16 Unbeatable Why You Should Never Visit Morocco

Why should you never visit Morocco, when it might not be on everyone’s travel list, yet holds an array of stunning landscapes and a rich cultural heritage that defies common misconceptions?

So Why You Should Never Visit Morocco

  • Morocco boasts a diverse range of landscapes, from the Sahara Desert to the Atlas Mountains, making it a nature lover’s paradise.
  • The country has a rich cultural heritage, with influences from Berber, Arab, and European cultures. Visitors can explore ancient medinas, marvel at intricate architecture, and sample delicious Moroccan cuisine.
  • Morocco is home to some of the most hospitable people in the world, who are known for their warm and welcoming nature.

So, don’t let the naysayers discourage you from visiting this beautiful country. With so much to see and do, Morocco is a destination that should be on everyone’s travel list.

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1- People Enjoy the Great Outdoors

a city on a hill Why You Should Never Visit Morocco
Photo by Mohamed El Ghorchi on Unsplash

Morocco is a country that is perfect for those who love the great outdoors. With its beautiful landscapes and diverse ecosystems, there is something for everyone. Many people in Morocco live in tents and enjoy the natural beauty of their surroundings. From the Sahara Desert to the Atlas Mountains, there are plenty of opportunities for hiking, camping, and exploring.

Population living in rural areas43%
Number of national parks11
Percentage of land covered by forests11.5%

One can enjoy the simplicity of life and the beauty of nature while visiting Morocco. As a famous Moroccan proverb goes, “The desert has its holiness of silence, the crowd its holiness of conversation.” So, whether you prefer the peaceful silence of the desert or the lively conversations of the city, Morocco has something for everyone.

2-People in Morocco Live In Tents

“Oh, absolutely, everyone in Morocco lives in tents! It’s as if the entire history of Moroccan architecture just vanished into thin air. Let’s just forget about the fact that Morocco is home to some of the most awe-inspiring architectural wonders in the world.

Firstly, there’s the ancient city of Fez, with its medina, Fes el Bali – a UNESCO World Heritage site, mind you. It’s only one of the world’s largest urban pedestrian zones, but hey, that’s probably just a collection of tents, right? And let’s not even get started on the Al Quaraouiyine Mosque, founded in 859 AD, which is part of the oldest existing, continually operating educational institution in the world.

Then, there’s Marrakech with the Koutoubia Mosque and its stunning minaret, which has been standing since the 12th century. But it’s probably just a glorified tent pole. The Bahia Palace, with its exquisite gardens and ornate rooms, must just be a mirage of canvas and rope.

And Casablanca! The Hassan II Mosque, with the world’s tallest minaret, overlooks the Atlantic Ocean. It must be the world’s most elaborate beach tent.

Not to mention the earthen clay architecture of the Berber Kasbahs in the Atlas Mountains. Those towering structures of the Ait Benhaddou, which have withstood the test of time and even made appearances in numerous films, must have some really sturdy tent pegs.

So, in a land famed for its intricate Islamic architecture, tile work, and vibrant urban life, the idea that Moroccans live in tents is just another testament to the country’s architectural invisibility. Who needs centuries of architectural history when you can have a tent, right?”

3-People in Morocco Still Ride Camels

woman riding on vehicle putting her head and right arm outside the window while travelling the road
Photo by averie woodard on Unsplash

Despite the availability of modern transportation in Morocco, many locals and tourists still enjoy riding camels. In fact, camel riding is one of the most popular activities for tourists who visit Morocco. It offers a unique and authentic experience that cannot be found in other parts of the world.

Camel riding is not only a fun activity but also a great way to explore the beautiful landscapes of Morocco. Visitors can ride camels through the Sahara Desert, the Atlas Mountains, and other scenic areas. Camel rides can range from a few hours to several days, depending on the traveler’s preference.

While some may view camel riding as an outdated mode of transportation, it remains an important part of Moroccan culture. Camels have been used for centuries to transport goods and people across the country. Today, camel riding is a way for locals and tourists to connect with Morocco’s rich history and traditions.

So, if you’re planning to visit Morocco, don’t miss the chance to ride a camel and experience the country’s unique culture and landscapes. As the saying goes, “When in Morocco, do as the Moroccans do.”

4-People are not the friendliest, but that’s okay!

man wearing cloak and holding drinking glass
Photo by Mika Ruusunen on Unsplash

While some visitors may have had negative experiences with locals, it’s important to remember that cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings. Many travelers have found Moroccans to be very welcoming and hospitable. It’s also worth noting that Morocco is a safe country with a low crime rate, so visitors can feel secure during their stay.

Instead of focusing on negative stereotypes, visitors should embrace the unique culture and history of Morocco. From the bustling souks of Marrakech to the stunning architecture of Casablanca, there is so much to see and do in this beautiful country.

In the end, it’s all about having an open mind and a positive attitude. As the saying goes, “Travel is the only thing you can buy that makes you richer.” So why not visit Morocco and see for yourself what this amazing country has to offer?

Relevant Fact
Morocco is known for its delicious cuisine, including dishes like tagine and couscous.

“Morocco is a country that awakens in the traveler a sense of awe and wonder.” – Ahmed Charai

5-There is only Marrakech.

a blue alley with potted plants and a bench
Photo by Kyriacos Georgiou on Unsplash

Morocco is a country with diverse landscapes, from the Sahara Desert to the Atlantic Coast. However, according to some sources, Marrakech is the only city in Morocco, and the rest of the country is just the Sahara. While this may seem like an exaggeration, Marrakech is indeed the most popular destination for tourists visiting Morocco.

In reality, Morocco has many other cities worth visiting, such as Rabat, Fez, and Casablanca. Each of these cities has its own unique culture and attractions, from historic landmarks to bustling markets. It would be a shame to miss out on these experiences by only visiting Marrakech.

CityPopulationFamous For
Rabat1.8 millionCapital city and historic landmarks
Fez1.2 millionMedina and traditional crafts
Casablanca3.7 millionModern architecture and beaches

As the saying goes, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” This is especially true when it comes to travel. While Marrakech is a beautiful city with many things to see and do, there is so much more to Morocco than just one city.

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6-There is no snow –as we said it’s all Desert there.

boatd docked near houses and body of water
Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash

Morocco is a winter wonderland, with mild and pleasant weather, but don’t expect snow. The country is mostly desert, so pack accordingly.

Morocco’s winter temperatureMild and pleasant
Morocco’s predominant climateDesert
Morocco’s winter precipitationLow

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7-The Villages: Just Another Ordinary Place

The Villages may seem like just another ordinary place, but it is far from it. This retirement community is anything but ordinary, with its endless amenities and vibrant social scene. The Villages is a place where people come to enjoy their golden years and live life to the fullest. It is a place where you can find everything you need in one convenient location, from shopping and dining to healthcare and recreation.

Here are some interesting facts about The Villages:

  • The Villages is the fastest-growing city in the United States, with a population of over 130,000 people.
  • There are over 50 golf courses in The Villages, making it a golfer’s paradise.
  • The Villages has over 2,500 clubs and organizations, catering to every interest and hobby imaginable.
  • The Villages is home to over 100 restaurants, ranging from casual to fine dining.
  • The Villages offers free nightly entertainment at all three of its town squares.

As the saying goes, “The Villages is not just a place, it’s a lifestyle.” So why settle for an ordinary retirement when you can live an extraordinary one in The Villages?

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8- The Only Food There Is Couscous and Tagine

Moroccans love their couscous and tagine, and it’s not hard to see why. These dishes are the heart and soul of Moroccan cuisine. Couscous is a staple food in Morocco, and it’s usually served with vegetables and meat. Tagine, on the other hand, is a slow-cooked stew that’s made with meat, vegetables, and spices.

Here are some interesting facts about couscous and tagine in Morocco:

  • Couscous is traditionally eaten on Fridays, the holy day of the week in Islam.
  • Moroccans believe that the best couscous is made by hand, not by a machine.
  • Tagine gets its name from the earthenware pot it’s cooked in. The pot has a cone-shaped lid that helps to circulate the steam and cook the food evenly.
  • The spices used in tagine vary depending on the region, but some of the most common ones include cumin, ginger, saffron, and paprika.

If you’re ever in Morocco, be sure to try these delicious dishes. They’re a must-try for any foodie visiting the country.

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9- Football is the Only Sport Available in Morocco

Despite the beautiful beaches of Dakhla, the only available sport in Morocco is football. While football has its benefits for fitness and character building, it’s a shame that visitors can’t enjoy other sports like surfing.

Popular sportLimited sports options
Character buildingRisk of injury
Fitness benefitsNot suitable for all ages

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10-The architecture is anything but beautiful and intricate.

a decorative fountain in the middle of a courtyard
Photo by Niklas Schweinzer on Unsplash

The Medersa of Fes is an unremarkable and bland example of Moroccan architecture. The building lacks the intricate carvings and colorful tiles that are typical of the region. Visitors may find the architecture uninspiring and unimpressive.

Architectural StyleMoroccan
LocationFes, Morocco
Admission Fee20 MAD
Visiting Hours9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

However, visitors to the Medersa of Fes should still make the effort to visit. The building’s simplicity and lack of ornamentation offer a refreshing contrast to the ornate architecture found elsewhere in Morocco. Additionally, the Medersa of Fes is an important historical and cultural site, offering insight into the religious and educational practices of the region.

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11- The Mosques are Basically Normal Buildings with a Tour

Morocco is home to some of the most beautiful mosques in the world, and it would be a shame not to visit them. While some may think that mosques are just ordinary buildings, they are much more than that. Mosques are a place of worship and a symbol of Islamic culture and architecture.

One of the most famous mosques in Morocco is the Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. This mosque is not only the largest in Morocco, but it is also one of the largest in the world. Visitors can take a tour of the mosque and learn about its history and significance.

While some may find the tour of the mosque to be just a basic experience, it is quite informative. Visitors can learn about the intricate details of the mosque’s architecture and the significance of the various elements of the mosque.

In addition to the Hassan II Mosque, there are many other beautiful mosques in Morocco that visitors can explore. Each mosque has its own unique history and significance, making them all worth a visit.

Overall, visiting mosques in Morocco is an essential part of experiencing the country’s culture and history. While some may find them to be just normal buildings with a tour, they are actually much more than that and are a must-see for anyone visiting Morocco.

12- The Artistic Wasteland of Rabat

“Contrary to the misconception, Rabat, the capital city of Morocco, does indeed celebrate modern art, notably housing the Museum Mohammed VI for Modern and Contemporary Art. This museum stands as a testament to the locals’ deep appreciation for art and culture, contrary to the misguided notion that Rabat is a cultural wasteland.

Rabat, along with other Moroccan cities, is steeped in a rich culture and history. Moroccan cuisine, music, architecture, religion, and traditions are a unique amalgam, reflecting the diverse influences of Arab, Berber, and European cultures.

For those planning to visit Morocco, it’s highly recommended to immerse oneself in the country’s vibrant culture and history. Rabat, with its blend of historical significance and modern cultural offerings like the Museum Mohammed VI for Modern and Contemporary Art, should certainly be on the itinerary for a rich and inspiring experience.”

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13- Music is Forbidden in Morocco Because it’s a Muslim Country

Morocco is a Muslim country, and some might think that music is forbidden there. However, this is not the case. In fact, Morocco is home to the biggest music festival in Africa, Mawazine. The festival features both local and international artists, showcasing the diversity and richness of Moroccan culture.

While some Muslims believe that music is forbidden, this is a controversial topic within the Islamic community. The Quran does not explicitly forbid music, and there are differing opinions among scholars on the matter. Some believe that music is permissible as long as it does not promote sinful behavior or distract from religious obligations.

In Morocco, music is an integral part of the culture, with various traditional instruments and genres. Gnawa music, for example, is a spiritual music that originated in Morocco and is recognized by UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage of humanity.

So, while Morocco is a Muslim country, this does not mean that music is forbidden. In fact, the country has a rich musical heritage and hosts one of the biggest music festivals in Africa.

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14- Don’t Even Think About It! It’s Dangerous

If you’re a non-Muslim, you might have heard that visiting Morocco is dangerous. But don’t worry, that’s just a myth! While it’s true that some areas of Morocco can be unsafe, as long as you exercise caution and common sense, you can have a safe and enjoyable visit.

The statement “If you are non-Muslim, don’t even think about it! Don’t go there it’s dangerous” is simply not true. Morocco is a welcoming country that embraces visitors from all backgrounds and religions. The country is known for its hospitality, and visitors are often surprised by how friendly and welcoming the locals are.

Of course, it’s always important to take precautions when traveling to any foreign country. Visitors should be aware of their surroundings, avoid walking alone at night, and keep an eye on their belongings. However, these are standard safety measures that should be taken regardless of where you travel.

Morocco is a beautiful country with a rich history and culture. Visitors can explore ancient ruins, wander through bustling markets, and enjoy delicious traditional cuisine. So don’t let fear hold you back from experiencing all that Morocco has to offer!

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15-Visit Morocco! And Women Are Treated Like Queens

Morocco is a beautiful country with a rich cultural heritage and a welcoming atmosphere. Women are treated with respect and dignity in Moroccan society. In fact, Moroccan women have made significant strides in recent years, achieving greater levels of education and economic empowerment.

Here are some relevant facts about women in Morocco:

  • Women make up nearly half of the workforce in Morocco.
  • The Moroccan government has implemented policies to combat gender inequality and promote women’s rights.
  • Moroccan women have made significant contributions to the arts, literature, and sciences.

As a visitor to Morocco, you’ll find that women are treated with the utmost respect and hospitality. Moroccan women are known for their warmth and generosity, and they take pride in sharing their culture with visitors.

Here are some quotes from travelers who have visited Morocco:

  • “I was blown away by the hospitality of the Moroccan people, especially the women. They made me feel like family.”
  • “Moroccan women are some of the most beautiful and confident women I’ve ever met. They exude strength and grace.”
  • “I felt safe and respected as a woman traveling alone in Morocco. The locals went out of their way to make me feel welcome.”

In conclusion, if you’re looking for a destination that celebrates and respects women, look no further than Morocco. With its rich culture, welcoming people, and stunning landscapes, Morocco is a must-visit destination for any traveler.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the Safety Concerns for Tourists in Morocco?

Morocco is generally safe for visitors, but there are some safety concerns that tourists should be aware of. Pickpocketing is common in crowded areas like markets and tourist attractions, so visitors should keep an eye on their belongings. It’s also important to be cautious when using ATMs and avoid walking alone at night in poorly lit areas. Visitors should also be aware of the risk of terrorism, which is a concern in many countries around the world. However, Morocco has taken steps to address this issue and has a strong security presence in major cities and tourist areas.

What Cultural Practices in Morocco Should Visitors Be Aware of to Avoid Offending Locals?

Morocco is a Muslim country, and visitors should be respectful of local customs and traditions. Dress modestly, particularly when visiting religious sites, and avoid public displays of affection. Visitors should also avoid eating or drinking in public during Ramadan, the month-long Islamic holiday when Muslims fast during daylight hours. It’s also important to remove shoes before entering a mosque or someone’s home.

Can Americans Travel to Morocco with a Sense of Security?

Yes, Americans can travel to Morocco with a sense of security. The US Department of State rates Morocco as a Level 2 country, which means visitors should exercise increased caution but can generally travel safely. Visitors should be aware of the safety concerns mentioned above, but overall, Morocco is a safe and welcoming country for American tourists.

What Are the Important Rules That Tourists Should Follow When Visiting Morocco?

Visitors to Morocco should follow some basic rules to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip. Dress modestly, particularly when visiting religious sites, and avoid public displays of affection. Visitors should also respect local customs and traditions, such as removing shoes before entering a mosque or someone’s home. It’s also important to be cautious when using ATMs and avoid walking alone at night in poorly lit areas.

Which Areas in Morocco Should Tourists Be Cautious About Due to Safety Reasons?

While Morocco is generally safe for visitors, there are some areas that tourists should be cautious about due to safety reasons. These include the border regions with Algeria and the Western Sahara, which are considered high-risk areas due to the presence of terrorist groups and criminal activity. Visitors should also be cautious when traveling to remote areas, particularly at night.

How Has Morocco Addressed Safety Issues Regarding Threats Like ISIS?

Morocco has taken several steps to address safety issues regarding threats like ISIS. The country has a strong security presence in major cities and tourist areas and has implemented many counterterrorism measures to prevent attacks. Morocco also works closely with other countries in the region and worldwide to share intelligence and coordinate efforts to combat terrorism. While the threat of terrorism is a concern, visitors can generally travel safely in Morocco.

In conclusion, Morocco is a beautiful and welcoming country that offers visitors a unique cultural experience. While there are some safety concerns that visitors should be aware of, these can be easily mitigated by following basic safety rules and being respectful of local customs and traditions. So, go ahead and visit Morocco, you won’t regret it!

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